Be it a common theft or something spawned from a dare, the bottom line is there is a threat that the gift you ordered online won't make it under the tree this year. But there are steps that you can take to minimize the potential of arriving to an un-merry Christmas.
If you are ordering online, and don't expect to be home when your package arrives, you can of course designate a neighbor to accept your package. However, your neighbors have a life of their own and it may be asking too much to have them to be responsible to tie down at an undetermined time. (Ever waited for a delivery yourself?) Especially as we get deeper into the hectic season. Instead, consider having your order dropped off at a nearby UPS or FedEx store or USPS station. Many of these locations will hold your package for you to pick up for up to 5 days free of charge. (check them for details.) As well, you can track your delivery status and be notified when your package arrives via email or an app notification.
A GoHawk Smart Automation system with a Hawkeye Interactive camera focused on your doorstep is a proactive way of determining if you have anyone lurking past your trespassing line. Contact me for more details.
May you and all you hold dear have a joyous holiday season!