Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Grinch Alert! Using Doorstep Package Common Sense

They don't fit your usual description of home burglars, yet there are many Grinches with a lot of time on their hands this holiday season.


Be it a common theft or something spawned from a dare, the bottom line is there is a threat that the gift you ordered online won't make it under the tree this year. But there are steps that you can take to minimize the potential of arriving to an un-merry Christmas.

If you are ordering online, and don't expect to be home when your package arrives, you can of course designate a neighbor to accept your package. However, your neighbors have a life of their own and it may be asking too much to have them to be responsible to tie down at an undetermined time. (Ever waited for a delivery yourself?) Especially as we get deeper into the hectic season. Instead, consider having your order dropped off at a nearby UPS or FedEx store or USPS station. Many of these locations will hold your package for you to pick up for up to 5 days free of charge. (check them for details.) As well, you can track your delivery status and be notified when your package arrives via email or an app notification.

A GoHawk Smart Automation system with a Hawkeye Interactive camera focused on your doorstep is a proactive way of determining if you have anyone lurking past your trespassing line. Contact me for more details. 

May you and all you hold dear have a joyous holiday season!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Become Tech Savvy, The Criminals Are

Interactive mobility is quite a convenience! I find it useful as a daily tool from GPS, messaging or reading emails on the fly. Virtually everyone has a smart device in their hand, and therefore lies a new problem in the hands of an unseemly individual with this technology.

Have you ever been to Google Maps to see your own home from a satellite view or the street view portal? Give it a shot, but this time look at it with eyes of someone that wants to break into your home.

I've captured some examples of a random typical median income North Texas neighborhood. See for yourself if the new "prowling" is like a shopping trip through an online website.

Here is a view of three homes. In your opinion what home would be your target for a break-in? Why? What way would you find is the easiest way to enter and how would you accomplish your crime without being detected?

Here is a view from the opposite end of the street. 

A view of homes across the street.

Now a satellite view of the same neighborhood with a view of front and back of all homes including adjacent homes on the next streets over. 

Have you found soft spots that can help you identify building a better security plan for you and your neighbors. Remember it's all about common sense, the best security system that you possess!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Home Security Is Remotely Possible

Spring is in the air! A notable increase in outdoor activities abound as neighborhoods transition to the warmer weather, extra daylight, increased family time and the dream of weekend getaways, golf, softball and whatever else allows someone to break away from the cocoon of cabin fever.

Because of this; it is also the prime time to shift your home security strategy.

Statistically, home break-ins begin a resurgence as even the not-so-bold invaders collect a new dose of courage if they take advantage of these natural resources available to them. As I've posted earlier, your common sense is the best form of protection that you possess. And that's free. How you apply that at times that you are not present is how my industry's services work best for you.

The advantages of smart devices make it possible to access and stay in control and be alerted to changes of all aspects of your life from virtually anywhere, especially where your loved ones and prime investments are concerned. The GoHawk Security Remote Automation system is really the right fit for you for the extended periods of time that you may be away from home.

Did you remember to set the alarm when you left home? A notification to a "non-event" should a system be expected to be turned on or off at designated times can be sent to you. With Geo-Services, it's even possible for your system to sense a separation from it and your smartphone a few miles away. At that point, you can activate your system by logging in securely. Anyone with access to your alarm can be programmed in and tagged with a specific code that will alert you to whomever was there by name. If they don't have access, you can remotely unlock the door, turn off the alarm and even turn on the porch light for them.

Forget to reset the thermostat? With the GoGreen Energy Management System, keep up with real-time room temperature and extreme settings alerts. A tremendous cost saver in the midst of the pummeling Texas heat ahead.

I was amazed to find out recently that my neighborhood had experienced a power outtage for exactly 1 hour and 11 minutes. How did I know? My GoHawk app alerted me, even giving me a detail that under 5% of a mile radius around my home was down! No more mystery as to why my coffee maker clock was flashing when I got home!

Consider the value that a GoHawk Smarthome Management System can offer. It's how control, convenience and common sense work together.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Proaction Not Reaction To Fire

The news was sad to hear this morning of a needless tragedy involving a family and a house fire.

Read more:

I will always stress that there are life saving features involving monitored security systems today that accelerates a life-saving call and shortens the gap of critical minutes between that call and the responders' arrival. (Read my earlier blog How Can I Save Your Life Today)

Whether you purchase a monitored smoke & fire system from me or not is not my concern. The objective is for you to get a fire escape plan in place before tragedy strikes. At least in this case, most of us agree that it would have been logical to pound on the neighbors' door, than have to be part of this breaking news.

God bless this family at this difficult time.

Bryan Thompson
Hawk Security Services

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://KDFW.images.worldnow.com/interface/js/WNVideo.js?rnd=430643651;hostDomain=www.myfoxdfw.com;playerWidth=630;playerHeight=355;isShowIcon=true;clipId=9889828;flvUri=;partnerclipid=;adTag=News;advertisingZone=;enableAds=true;landingPage=;islandingPageoverride=;playerType=STANDARD_EMBEDDEDscript;controlsType=overlay'></script><a href="http://www.myfoxdfw.com" title=" Dallas News | myFOXdfw.com"> Dallas News | myFOXdfw.com</a>

Read more: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/24838001/man-dies-going-back-into-plano-house-fire-to-get-cell-phone#ixzz2uYgtrkQi

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Smartphone, Smarthome...Very Smart!

My grandson wastes no time in commandeering my wife's smartphone to play his latest round of Angry Birds or Temple Run or whatever the latest craze is these days. My phone is not out of my hands or sight because I'm always conducting business. (Well, at least a majority of the time.)

The smartphone has created quite a lifestyle revolution in the past few years. As of 2013 there are 110 million smartphone users in America. More people access the Internet via their mobile device than PC's now. There's an app for virtually anything and everything and makes me wonder what exactly people are using apps for. Is it more convenience than control or accessibility a little of each or the other way around? Has that thought ever struck you? 

In just the past 3 years, Remote Automation has become the premier platform for home and/or business security systems. Not only are you in control, but you can now get real time updates of any security or life-threatening event via text notification and email, energy management with smart thermostats locking and unlocking your front door deadbolt, video monitoring, even turning the porch light off or on and more. Needless to say, it's put a lot of new found fun in his product!

So you too may have an app for your bank account and favorite video game. Do you think it makes sense to have an app for your most important investment as well?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Can I Save Your Life Today?

Over the years, I've come to the realization, if not the outright respect of the life-saving benefits of having a home security system.

That thought runs through my head every morning that I tune into my local news channel and notice the lead stories being a choice of a wrong way drunk driving wreck, a shooting or a home fire. There's nothing that I could possibly have done about the first two, except to stay home under the covers. But for what that's worth, there's still room for the unforeseeable in my cocoon. It's that last choice that concerns me enough with each and every new customer to my security alarm service that I prioritize that as a first optional extra before I turn them on with the sparkle of cool convenient gadgets. 

A simple add-on purchase of a monitored smoke/fire detecting system, no more than $300 in most cases, is possibly the wisest life-saving benefit that you can possibly supply for your home and family.
I know. I had a fire in my home, and my monitored smoke detector channeled the call up to the fire department who arrived in 7 minutes! That was 7 minutes that allowed my family to be outside in fresh air amid the confusion of which one of us called 911. I was sold after the sale on this one.

Consider the return on investment that an addition like this can provide in your due diligence.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Post Holiday Blues

This is a re-post of a previous article. I feel it's far more relevant to have foresight in preparing for the risks that may be lurking now in your neighborhood.

It's been two weeks since Christmas and  for every corner I've driven around neighborhoods I can't help but notice that Santa was very good to some folks!

A lot of you got a new flat screen, XBOX,
Smart phone, tablet, etc. A bunch of great electronics! 

Are you bragging about it, or have you stopped to think that you really didn't intend the outside world to know about those big ticket items? With this type of advertising it's like having an online catalog to thieves that are browsing for that specific item. Not to mention if the intention is to sell what they steal, you've left the box for a re-packaging that can be practically passed off as new!

These little over sites are what lead to big heartache in time. So take the extra measure to flatten the boxes, shredding them or turning them inside out. Consider waiting until your scheduled pick up day to place your discards on the curb. 

Remember to think ahead and have a Happy and Safe New Year!

Bryan Thompson
Life Safety Specialist
Hawk Security Services

Get a great start on this Hawk Security Smart Home Automation and Video Monitoring Special!  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Security System Common Sense

Hello, I'm the alarm guy that knocks on your door at dinner time. I'm sure you're thrilled to see me and if you didn't answer the door for a perfect stranger, that's your prerogative. As a matter of fact, you're applying the greatest security system that you possess. Your common sense.

But if you did answer the door, that's ok too. Your inherent security system is kicking in and processing my presence. I'm in your kingdom and you will either turn me away or welcome me in. My objective is to help you keep tabs on home and everything that's near and dear to you when you can't apply that common sense. Primarily, when you're away or asleep.

In my 15+ years of  helping folks with home and business security, I've seen and heard a lot of things from my customers, experiences in the electronic security industry and the changes that are constantly developing.  Just like the need of knocking on your door to see if you're interested in setting up alarm monitoring in the first place. Just the fact you are reading this is evidence of your due diligence so your suaveness is all I need to address. And there's a lot of suaveness in products to help make us a good match. But, however you see it, don't leave your personal safety to chance.

Let's talk about it. Keep tuned and informed!

Bryan Thompson
Life Safety Specialist
Hawk Security Services

Do you need security monitoring for your home or business? Contact me for exclusive promotions!